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Removing Bamboo

    Date Posted: Sat, Jun 15 - 1:11 pm


  • Can someone please give me advice on how to get rid of bamboo?
  • Answer

  • Bamboo is so tough! It can be quite the battle to get rid of it. The University of Maryland extension office has a very thorough article about controlling and removing bamboo. I recommend reading through the information they provide to decide how you want to tackle it: With a lot of dedication and patience, you should eventually be able to kill it off if you don’t ever allow any leaves to photosynthesize. Mow them constantly, break the shoot off and cut any leaf that you see emerging, immediately. Eventually the roots should starve and die. There are also companies around Richmond that provide bamboo removal services, but these would of course be a bigger financial commitment. Good luck! Getting rid of bamboo is not easy!