Job Seeker Assistance

Your one stop shop

Staff at every Richmond Public Library location look forward to assisting you with your job search.  However, resume review, job search assistance, and one-on-one sessions are offered subject to staff availability.

A curated set of choices

Job Search

Looking for a new career? Check out these popular sites.

Resume Help

Use this basic free Word template to get you started.


Connect LIVE with a military benefits navigator, seven days a week between 2 and 11 pm, for help with eligibility questions, connecting with veteran's benefits and community resources, transitioning from a military to civilian career, and more.


Connect with a certified career coach, seven days a week between 2 and 11 pm. Get help with résumé writing, applications, searches, and skill development needs.

Resume Builder

Apprenticeship resources from the trusted source, Resume Builder.