All Richmond Public Library locations will be closed February 17th for Presidents' Day.

RVA Reads

RVA Reads Logo Color Yellow Blue

You Are Invited

to participate in the Richmond Public Library’s RVA Reads Program. We recruit volunteer readers to read to each preschool class at Richmond’s Five Regional Preschool Centers. Monthly (October – May) we read to the children and each child receives the book to take home.

  • We ask our volunteers to arrive at the preschool center at 9:30 am.
  • We will have an overview of the book of the month with suggested ways to enhance your interaction with the children.
  • We read to the children at 10:00 am for about 20 minutes.

Ripple the otter floating on his back and waving to the viewer.Early literacy skills are critical to children’s school readiness. RVA READS is one effort to improve early literacy and school readiness skills by building home libraries. Parents, teachers, volunteers and community members play a vital role in supporting our children!

Please help to improve early literacy skills of these wonderful children.

If you’d like to support this program, but do not have the time to volunteer, please help us buy books through a donation for RVA Reads.

We Read at Richmond’s Five Regional Preschool Centers

  • Maymont Preschool Learning Center on 1st Wednesdays
    1211 South Allen Ave., Richmond, VA 23220
  • Summer Hill Preschool Center on 2nd Tuesdays
    2717 Alexander Ave. Richmond, VA 23234
  • Blackwell Preschool Learning Center on 2nd Wednesdays
    238 East 14th St. Richmond, VA 23224
  • Mary Scott Preschool Learning Center on 3rd Wednesdays
    4011 Moss Side Ave., Richmond, VA 23222
  • MLK Preschool Learning Center on 4th Wednesdays
    900 Mosby St., Richmond, VA 23223
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RVA Reads Volunteer Form
