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July Book Chat with the Young Adult Team


Don't know what to read next? Looking for YA book recommendations? Welcome to the Book Chat with the Young Adult Team. Each month, the YA Team recommends one book from our YA collection. We cover fiction, non-fiction, manga, comics, and graphic novels, so there is something for everyone! There is also a mixture of new releases and old favorites, so keep an eye on our posts for books to add to your TBR. Genevievre recommends Twelfth Knight by Alexene Farol Follmuth (AGES 14-18) Twelfth Knight is for fans of role-playing...

July Book Chat with the Youth Services Team


Welcome to another installment in our series of blog posts featuring children's books we're currently loving! "Book Chat with the Youth Services Team" features one book recommendation from each of our Youth Services team members. We cover a variety of books from fiction to non-fiction, picture books to chapter books, graphic novels and more! We hope that this month's reading recommendations get you excited about some awesome new books we've added to our collection as well as some oldies but goodies....

Celebrate Disability Pride Month with RPL's YA Collection


Disability Pride Month is celebrated annually during the month of July, commemorating the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. This landmark civil rights law prohibits discrimination based on disability. The month is also meant to change the way people think about disabilities by ending the stigma and instead embracing people with disabilities' identities, disability culture, and the societal contributions of people with disabilities. In addition, the month provides people with disabilities an opportunity to honor their...

Booklists for Teens