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Maples for Urban Landscaping?

    Date Posted: Thu, Sep 28 - 12:43 pm


  • I need to replace a diseased Dogwood. I was thinking of a Maple tree but I am concerned of the root system. There are so many varieties of Maple, I don’t know where to start. The new tree would be giving shade to a front porch and two Hydrangeas. Can you give some guidance?
  • Answer

  • This is a great question. Generally, maples are known to have shallower root systems, but it can depend a lot on the soil conditions. A few things to think about when you are selecting a tree for this space are if the tree is being planted near sidewalks or a driveway, what your soil conditions are like, the amount of sun or shade it will get, and also to look up for power lines. Red maples are generally faster growers and are also native to our area, but they may have shallower root systems. Japanese maples tend to be slower growing but are not native. Sugar maples are also an option but you would want to be sure to select heat tolerant varieties for the Richmond area. Another alternative is Yellowwood. They have nice big leaves, beautiful form and flowers, tolerate the heat and don't get too big. The University of Illinois Extension has a great tree selector tool that you may also find useful: Good luck!

Class Registration- indefinitely unavailable

    Date Posted: Sun, Aug 27 - 12:23 pm


  • When does class registration start and how do I sign up?
  • Answer

  • Hello! We would love to be able to welcome new master gardeners to the Richmond team. Unfortunately, the city of Richmond has not had an extension agent in place for the past few years and we do not know if any expected time the position will be filled again. Without an agent in place, the city is unable to offer the master gardener classes. You could consider reaching out to any of our neighboring counties (Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico) to see if you can get connected with them.


    Date Posted: Tue, Aug 22 - 1:12 am


  • I’d love to help volunteer. What is your schedule?
  • Answer

  • We love volunteers! And would love to help you get plugged in. Unfortunately, the City of Richmond does not currently have an extension agent in place which means we are unable to offer programming to bring on new Master Gardeners to our team. If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, you could consider reaching out to some of the surrounding counties to ask about their programs and see if and when they are starting new classes. If you are interested in garden volunteer work in and around the city, there are numerous opportunities available without being a master gardener. To name just a few, you could consider reaching out to Maymont, Lewis Ginter, or Shalom Farms. If you have a connection to any of the public schools, many of them have garden programs going as well and may be able to use more volunteer support. Good luck, I hope you find a great place to plug in and serve!

Stunted vegetable garden

    Date Posted: Sat, Aug 12 - 6:55 pm


  • My vegetable garden has been stunted in its growth this summer and I’ve been trying to figure out what I can do differently. I think we may have some Red Thread in the yard.
  • Answer

  • I think many local vegetable gardens have experienced some stunting this year. The prolonged cooler weather we had at the beginning of the summer seemed to have a big impact on plants that were put in the ground in late April and May. In addition, we have had several periods with very little rain to help keep gardens watered which has also been having an impact. Before planting next year, its a good idea to do a soil test to see where your soil could use some support. Soil tests are available through the master gardeners at your local library. You can use these results to ensure you are planting in a robust healthy soil that is ready to provide a good home to your plants. Also, if you aren't already doing this, I would suggest fertilizing your garden with an organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers slowly release nutrients giving a steady supply of food to your plants without disrupting the work of earthworms and other beneficial organisms. Follow the recommendations on the label for frequency of fertilizing. I'm not aware of nor have I been able to find any literature on red thread having an impact on anything other than turf grass. I'm not sure if you mentioned that in correlation with your concerns about your vegetable garden or as a separate concern. However, if you were looking for recommendations to deal with the red thread as well, fungicides are not usually advised for red thread control on residential turf for various reasons. The disease is largely cosmetic. Unless environmental conditions that promote disease development persist for extended periods, the turf will recover — usually with no lasting effects of infection. Good luck and happy gardening!

Invasive plant removal / Joining Master Gardeners

    Date Posted: Fri, Aug 11 - 10:16 am


  • Any good contractors in the area to help with invasive removal by a utility line. Have privet in my backyard it’s growing into power lines. Oh also I would love to be part of the master gardener program but got no response when contacting vatech contact. Let me know what’s required to join the local chapter
  • Answer

  • I don't have personal experience with any contractors for removing invasive species, but have always heard really good things about Davey: Also, we would love to have new members join the Richmond Master Gardeners! But unfortunately, the city does not currently have an extension agent and hasn't for a few years now. This means there is no one in place to run the Master Gardener training program so we are unable to take on new members at this time. I believe that Henrico, Chesterfield, and Hanover are still able to offer the new member program, so I would suggest reaching out to them if you are interested.

HT wood pallets for compost bin

    Date Posted: Thu, Jul 06 - 12:44 pm


  • where can i find HT wood pallets to build my composting bin?
  • Answer

  • This is a great question! I have not personally made a compost bin from pallets, but I love the ones we have at my community garden! Having not sourced heat treated wood pallets myself previously, I did a quick google search and found there are a couple of different companies in our area that do sell them. The two I found are Alpha Recycling and Hauling and BE Pallets. It sounds like you already have a good plan together for your compost bins, but just in case you or anyone searching these answers later is looking for more information, the Colorado State Master Gardeners have a really great publication with lots of good information about composting: Good luck and happy composting!

Contact Information

    Date Posted: Fri, Jun 23 - 12:10 am


  • Looking for Jim Kaeser, master gardener, contact to give presentation to my garden club over Gillette Gardens. Thank you
  • Answer

  • Hello! Jim Kaeser is not an active member with the City of Richmond Master Gardeners. I was not familiar with Gillette Gardens, but looked it up and it looks beautiful! It also looks like it is in Chesterfield County. You may try reaching out to the Chesterfield County master gardeners to see if you can find the person you are looking for. Good luck!

Natives & Landscaping

    Date Posted: Mon, May 29 - 5:34 pm


  • I have a wonderfully overgrown, half-wild backyard in the Northside that already attracts a great variety of birds ... but I'd like to start being more purposeful about planting natives and landscaping for birds and bugs. I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start, though, and am hoping a Master Gardener could help. Is there someone who could come look at my site and help me come up with a plan?
  • Answer

  • Hello! How lovely to have a backyard that is already attracting a great variety of birds! It's wonderful that you want to provide more native plants for your backyard pollinators! A good place to start is by doing a soil test to see how healthy your soil currently is and if there is anything you should add to it before you begin planting. You can find soil test kits at your local libraries when the master gardeners are there, just call and ask your librarian. Next, you will want to think about how wet or dry your back yard typically is, as well as how much sun light you get. You could bring this information along with some pictures to talk with the master gardener at your library or to a local nursery for more guidance. I would also recommend looking over this really wonderful resource on native plants for our area as the free downloadable guide has an amazing amount of information to help get you going in the right direction! Happy gardening!


    Date Posted: Wed, Apr 26 - 4:28 pm


  • Hello. Poison ivy has started filling one of the beds in the front of my house, and it is coming up with the azalea bushes along the side back fence. Is there a reliable company that can remove this for me? Thank you for any advice that you can provide!
  • Answer

  • Hello there, Poison ivy seems to be everywhere. However, there are some plants that look a bit like poison ivy. Virginia creeper is one of them and is not toxic, so it could be pulled or dug up easily. The are a couple others, Your best bet is to take good photos and go to the Help Desk that is manned by the Master Gardeners at your local library. Contact the library and find out what day and time the Help Desk session is held. Once you have a definite ID, then you can proceed with an appropriate method. I don't have any removal companies to recommend. You could also try one of the homemade sprays for killing the vine but, again, you need to know what you are dealing with first. Best of luck.


    Date Posted: Wed, Apr 26 - 3:24 pm


  • I have several rhododendron bushes in my front yard. They usually bloom once a year. I would like them to bloom more often. I don’t understand why one of the bushes leaves turned completely brown and died. Will this bush come back? Should I pull it up? What can I do?
  • Answer

  • Hello there, Rhododendrons bloom once a year, in late winter into spring depending on variety. You could add other varieties with different bloom times to extend the show. You could also add some azaleas (which are in the same family). Some of those do bloom twice a year. The variety Encore comes to mind. As for the browning of the leaves and leaf drop, a number of issues could be causing that. Poor drainage, leaf burn from too much sun, winter burn, nutrient deficiency. It's difficult to diagnose in this manner. But you can try this practice - if you give the plant plenty of time to begin spring growth—waiting until late spring—you can then scratch the bark on dead-looking branches with your fingernail. If there is green wood underneath, the branch is still alive. Leave it be and it may very well leaf out. If it's brown underneath, the branch is dead and you can prune it off. Also, you can visit one of the Master Gardeners that man the desk at your local library. Call the library to see when the Help Desk is in session. Any information you have about the plants-photos, samples, will be helpful. But sometimes you need to assess the planting environment to narrow down the problem. You can also get a soil testing kit and the results will help you improve the nutrients and condition of your soil to ensure future plant health.