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Japanese Holly Dieback

    Date Posted: Tue, Aug 17 - 8:37 pm


  • There is a hedge at the front of my property. Someone years ago told me they are Japanese hollies. I found a tag on a bush in the back yard which I believe is the same plant--it's Ilex crenata 'Bennett's Compacta'. They had been very healthy and growing almost too well for nearly 12 years until this spring when one bush turned brown in a matter of days. I cut out all the brown and there is some new growth near the base, but I have 2 questions; 1. What are likely causes of the die-back? 2. What are the chances that this will affect the other bushes? Since it's the front of the property it's already unsightly--looks like a missing tooth--but I don't want to replace the one diseased bush in the row if they could all be in jeopardy. Thanks for your help. Shelley
  • Answer

  • Hello there, Without seeing the plant and the place it's situated, my best guess about the origin of the dieback is black root rot. I am attaching a link here from Virginia Tech with an information sheet. It's a tough problem. If you believe that's why your shrub succumbed and since the hedge has served you well for 12 years, it may be time to replace it. Of course, any replacement would have to be a variety that will not be susceptible to this root rot. Let us know if you have further questions. Best of luck.