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Lavender siting, growing

    Date Posted: Tue, Aug 17 - 8:42 pm


  • I have 3 small (6 " high) lavender plants. Where is the best place to plant? Do the roots get deep/wide? How long will it take for them to get 2 feet tall? Any best practices? Thank you.
  • Answer

  • Hello there, lavender is a lovely plant and generally not fussy if given the right conditions. It's partial to warm and dry, not so fond of humidity, but if you plant it in area with good air circulation that should help. Also, it needs well-draining soil, no compacted clay for this plant. As far as height and growth, without knowing the cultivar it's hard to say but it will probably put on a couple of inches of growth each year and most varieties are in the 2-3 foot height at maturity. Enjoy the fragrance!