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Accessible Parking for Patrons

    Date Posted: Thu, Aug 11 - 4:03 pm


  • How much will the inclusion of 69 new underground parking spaces add on to the price of this project? The site as is does not have parking, and its always busy. It's incompatible with our climate and equity goals to spend so much money just to subsidize folks driving to this location. This is the most walkable, bikable, transit-accessible library branch in the city, and it should spend its money on the people who visit, not cars that want to park underground. People will always complain about parking. I would like my bus to not run just once per half hour after 7pm to get me to your library. I would like to have more bike lanes to safely get me to your location. Why not fund those instead?
  • Answer

  • Members of the community indicate that safe parking and ground-level access to the library is an expectation and a necessity for them to attend library programs during the day and evening. The Main Library has the largest meeting space of all nine locations, so large events are hosted here. Additionally, patrons with impaired mobility (those using wheelchairs, walkers, rollators) and parents/guardians with young children in strollers continue to request safe and easy access to the library. For able-bodied and interested patrons, the bus stop is two blocks away, and there is an RVA Bike Share station just outside the library. Additional suggestions from the community include EV plug-ins and a covered bike rack area that is safely accessible from the 2nd Street bike lane (which culminates at the Library). Renovating the basement of the existing structure enables the Library to both address growing climate impact on the structure and answer a need expressed by our patrons. Cost will be determined in the next phase.

Library Park and Usable Green Spaces

    Date Posted: Fri, Apr 01 - 5:05 pm


  • Would RPL consider investing in usable green space/courtyard south of the building as part of the renovation? I.e. patio, tables and chairs for reading/studying, landscaping, and potentially some climbable features for small kids. I know that parking is in short supply, but this would add to the experience of visiting the library.
  • Answer

  • Library Park on the south side of the building will see additional seating and updated landscaping with an eye toward reducing stormwater runoff and enhanced native plantings. We are considering how best to engage our younger patrons in physical activities and appreciate the suggestions.

Parking at Main Library

    Date Posted: Fri, Apr 01 - 4:29 pm


  • Is parking really an issue?
  • Answer

  • In our first community meeting, July of 2021, the most emphatic need expressed was for safe, accessible parking for library users. It was identified as a barrier to be addressed in the master planning process.