Taste of Passion

Posted about 3 years ago by April Freeman
Posted in Book Reviews

(sometimes, you get what you crave)

I would not consider myself a love story fanatic. However, Mrs. Brenda Jackson had me wanting to check out ten more of her books. A Taste of Passion begins by describing Lucas (Luke) Madaris, a six-foot-three World Rodeo Rider Champion who oozed sex from the Stetson he wore on his head all the way down to the well-worn leather boots on his feet. It also introduces us to attorney Mackenzie (Mac) Standfield, an only child of deceased parents. Every time these two are in a room together, the chemistry is so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife. However, for the first five years of them knowing each other, it came across as pure hatred.

It all changed during one of Luke’s rodeo rides. Luke was standing in the right place at the wrong time. Luke’s chute gate flew open — the chute is usually a metal gate that rodeos keep the bulls behind — and out tore the most ferocious looking bull headed towards him. The next thing anybody knew, World Rodeo Champion Lucas Madaris was knocked unconscious on his back, while bleeding from a deep gash on his forehead. Immediately Mac jetted from her seat in the stands to Luke’s side. She wonder where did this sudden need to comfort Luke come from.

 Now Mackenzie Standfield is weeping and praying over Lucas bloody body while the ambulance is heading to the hospital. What will Mackenzie say is the reason for caring so much, when Luke pulls through?  This is a story of how love can be standing right next to you.  While this was my first time reading a book by New Times Bestselling Author Brenda Jackson, I am here to let you know that it will not be my last.

April Freeman

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