Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library – Ask Us!

Posted about 7 months ago by Patrick Deroche

Richmond Public Library is your public library. Although books are in our DNA, public libraries of today are so much more. In the spirit of holiday giving, we are presenting (see what we did there?) a series of blog posts highlighting all of the resources available to you — in the library, or at home — to become a Richmond Public Library power user. All you need is a library card. Don’t have a library card? Find out how to get one here.

At Richmond Public Library we know you’ve got lots of questions so we work to make sure it is as easy as possible to get those answers. Give us a call, shoot us a text, or just stop on by. No matter your preferred method of contact, Richmond Public Library is there for you! 

Cyber Librarian – For any question big or small you can click Contact at both the top and the bottom of the library’s page and complete the form. Or if you’d like, you can send the email directly to none other than me, the cyber librarian, at I will ensure that your questions and requests find the most knowledgeable recipient.    

Mosio Chat – When you need an answer quickly you can simply hit the orange Ask a Librarian tab on the right side of the screen and begin a text conversation with staff at the Main Library. Whenever we are open someone will be there on the other end waiting for your chat bubble to appear.

At the Desk – And for those who like the classic method of talking with staff in person, every location is staffed with friendly faces ready to help.  

So whether you’ve got a question about your account, want to learn about e-books, are curious about our events, or need help with a research project you should always feel free to ask us!

Be sure to check back to read all the Shelf Respect posts on Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library

Patrick Deroche

Hey, I'm a Senior Librarian at the Main Library and I'm here to answer all the questions! When I'm not here I enjoy writing music, gardening, smooshing my cats, and (much to the annoyance of my knees) jumping on the trampoline with my kids.

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