All libraries will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library – Writers, Artists, and other Creatives

Posted about 1 year ago by Ben Himmelfarb

Richmond Public Library is your public library. Although books are in our DNA, public libraries of today are so much more. In the spirit of holiday giving, we are presenting (see what we did there?) a series of blog posts highlighting all of the resources available to you — in the library, or at home — to become a Richmond Public Library power user. All you need is a library card. Don’t have a library card? Find out how to get one here.

There are not many places left where a person can just go, sit, read, draw, or even think for free. There are parks, but when it is too cold or too hot, the public library remains one of the few free, open-to-all places of sanctuary, especially for artists.

Artwork by Beq Parker

At the Main Library, we have multiple gallery spaces where local artists’ work is displayed on a rotating basis. Unlike commercial galleries that may be inaccessible to many artists, we offer space that is filled with hundreds of people on a daily basis and a suggested donation to the library of 10% of any sales that result from the showing. We also host First Fridays events to celebrate the opening of new shows. If you are interested in applying or know an artist who is, please visit our First Fridays page for more information!

If your medium is words, we also have a Local Authors Table in the lobby of the Main Library. Local authors are invited to set up a table in the lobby of the Main Library to sign and sell copies of their books in a low-key and casual setting. You can sign up for a spot and read the fine print here.

The RPL Zine Collection is now at the Main Library

We are committed to supporting local creators in as many forms as possible. Richmond’s zine-scene is one of the most diverse and accepting creative communities. Zines can contain anything from art to poems to collective histories to recipes and other do-it-yourself tips. We maintain a Zine Collection you can contribute to and plan to again host Richmond Zine Fest in 2024!

Self Publishing Services and Resources from Richmond Public Library

Along with Libby and Hoopla, the two most popular sources for ebooks and audiobooks, Biblioboard stands as a unique digital offering. BiblioBoard offers seamless, unlimited access to multimedia content and provides tools that empower libraries to thrive as influential centers for creative community engagement. Their Indie Author Project helps indie-published authors and indie presses expand their readership while adding new and diverse indie eBooks to library catalogs across the country.

Be sure to check back to read all the Shelf Respect posts on Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library.

Ben Himmelfarb

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