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2021 Teen Reading Challenge: Teen Activists

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell

Welcome back! Can you believe we are already in to month two of our 2021 RPL Teen Reading Challenge?! How is it going for you so far? As I mentioned in my last post, I’ll be doing the challenge in order — but this does not mean you have to! This month for the blog I am highlighting reading material by or about teen activists. I chose this as one of the prompts because I am absolutely blown away by all of the young activists throughout the world today. And, aside from the ones who make the news, I know there are many young activists in our community here in Richmond as well. TBH, I would have never have had the courage to do those things at that age. You all are an inspiration, not only to me but to many others. I think this is why there is so much reading matieral out there on this topic. Take a look…



















Not sure which teen activist to get started with? Check out these articles for some great articles about a variety of teen activists throughout the world!

  • Teen Vogue put out this great article with a list of it’s top 10 female teen activists.
  • Read Brandon Griggs’, a teen activist in Florida, give a first-hand account of advocating for at-risk youth in this Education Week articl.
  • Check out this article from Elle about some youngest Black Lives Matter activisists.
  • For some environmental activists besides Greta Thunberg, check out this CNN article.
  • Interested in LGBTQIA+ rights? Learn about some young activists fighting for this from
  • These young teen activists focus on holding elected officials accountable. Read about them in Teen Vogue.
  • Learn about how young women across the globe continue to fight for women’s rights during the pandemic on the Unicef website.
  • And, if you’re feeling inspired, read more teen activists’ stories and even become involved yourself with or the Youth Activism Project.

I hope something on this list peaks your interest and gets you excited about teen activism. If you are a teen, you can join the conversation taking place on our Discord server. We have a designated channel for readers to chat all month.  Not a member of the server yet?  Fill out this form and we’ll send you an invite.  Also, this month’s LIVE Teen Reading Challenge chat will take place on Thursday, February 25th at 4:00PM. We’ll be discussing our teen activism reads, other challenge prompts, and books we love in general. I hope you’ll join us. Finally, feel free to tag us on social media and share what you’re reading #2021rplteenreadingchallenge

Happy reading!




Jennifer Deuell

Jenn Deuell is a Librarian with Richmond Public Library. She is a native of Fredericksburg, VA but has lived in Richmond for long enough that she now considers it home. She loves all things YA and can usually be found curled up at home with a good book (rainy day or not). Her other hobbies include traveling and spending time with family, including her husband, daughter Hannah, and two rescued pit bulls. For YA reading recommendations from Jenn, visit Bookologist.

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