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By Teens, For Teens – The Scarlet Letter & The Andromeda Strain

Posted about 2 years ago by Jennifer Deuell

This week we have two new book reviews from VolunTEEN David G., age 14. One older classic and one newer classic, these reviews will have you rushing to the library to get your hands these books!

Book Review:

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

The Scarlet Letter is an American classic written by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850. The story dates back to the 17th century in a Puritan town in New England. In the novel, the author describes Puritan severity on religion and the life of a woman named Hester Prynne who was punished with the scarlet letter A for committing adultery. Using symbolism in his writing, Hawthorne conveys a deeper message to his readers as he takes them back in time. The Scarlet Letter is one that I always loved reading and one that I think you would enjoy as well.

Book Review:

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

The Andromeda Strain is a great novel written by the acclaimed author Michael Crichton who also wrote the novel Jurassic Park. Set around the same time the book was published in 1969, Crichton introduces the reader to a severe deadly disease that originates from the Earth’s atmosphere and poses a threat to humanity. With no time to spare, a team of scientists race against the clock to prevent the disease from spreading across the world. Full with suspense, The Andromeda Strain is a book created for those who like to be on the edge of their seat. However, I should also mention that the novel contains many terms used in biology that are good to know before actually reading

The By Teens, For Teens blog post series consists of all teen-generated content. If you would like to contribute to our blog or learn more about becoming a VolunTEEN visit for all the info and to apply!

Jennifer Deuell

Jenn Deuell is a Librarian with Richmond Public Library. She is a native of Fredericksburg, VA but has lived in Richmond for long enough that she now considers it home. She loves all things YA and can usually be found curled up at home with a good book (rainy day or not). Her other hobbies include traveling and spending time with family, including her husband, daughter Hannah, and two rescued pit bulls. For YA reading recommendations from Jenn, visit Bookologist.

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