All libraries will be closed Sundays for the month of August.

Adulting 101 From Home

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Posted in Uncategorized

Some of you may be aware that just before the coronavirus hit we started an Adulting 101 series at the Main Library.  It was growing in popularity and we were sad to see it postponed for the foreseeable future.  The goal for our Adulting 101 programming was to cover some of the basic skills every adult should have.  We had originally planned the program for our teen patrons; however, we heard from some of you adults out there (don’t worry, we won’t name names) that you all needed it too.  So, we opened the programming up to all!

As we move into a period of increased virtually learning, we thought why not try to continue this series online.  We know you are stuck at home and probably looking for things to keep you busy and your mind engaged.  Why not learn some new skills?  Here is a compilation of resources to help you learn (or improve) some of those basic skills every adult should have.

Nutrition & Cooking

We actually already held this Adulting 101 workshop in January.  The amazing Marquita from came in and taught us all about how to eat healthy and we even made a few recipes!  If you missed it, don’t worry.  Here are some other sources to get you started on your nutrition and cooking needs:

  •  This is a great place to go to find out anything you want to know about healthy eating.  It has basic facts about the food groups and balancing meals as well as information and tips for special diets.
  • Now that you know how to eat healthy, here are some tips on creating a grocery list from HealthLine.
  • If you’re cooking on a budget, check out this class on rbdigital for some great budget-friendly recipes.
  • Cooking in a dorm room?  Or, maybe you only have basic kitchen essentials.  No problem!  Check out this post on All Recipes for some helpful hints.
  • If you’re looking for something a little more structured, check out Nutrition Basics 101 and Learn Cooking and Baking on Universal Class.

Pet Care

Thinking about getting a pet?  Please be aware that owning an animal is a big responsibility.  It’s important that you’re well informed on how to take care of your new dog, cat, bird. etc.

  • Here’s a rundown of pet care basics from the Animal Foundation.  This is a great place to help you determine if you’re ready to own a pet.
  • Done your basic research and feel ready to move forward?  Take this class through Universal Class and make sure you’re well prepared before bringing your new pet home.

Money Management

It’s never too soon to begin thinking about your financial well-being.  The habits you form now can determine your financial health far down the road.

  • First up, learn to create a budget with  
  • Once you’ve determined how you will spend your money, learn to write a check with Nerd Wallet.
  • Have some money to spare?  Check out this cheat sheet from Investing for Dummies.  And, when the library re-opens, check out the actual book!

Home & Clothing Care

It may not be fair, but many people form their impressions of you based on the way you’re dressed and the way you maintain your home.  Put your best foot forward with these home and clothing care resources.

  • Real Simple offers a quick tutorial on how to sew a button
  • Tired of clothing colors bleeding?  Maybe you’ve shrunk one too many shirts.  Never fear.  The New York Times created a quick “how-to” guide that is foolproof.
  • Maybe ironing isn’t your strength (ours either).  Life Hacker offers up a guide complete with videos to help make ironing easier.
  • They say that the best way to start your day is by making your bed. Here is a quick tutorial on how to make your bed like the pros.
  • Everyone likes coming home to a clean house, right?  Here is an in-depth look at how to make sure your home is in tip-top shape courtesy of Universal Class.
  • And, once your home is super clean, Apartment Therapy helps you keep it that way with these tips and tricks.

Basic Car Care

Let’s face it, car care can get really expensive.  There are some things that we should really leave to the professionals; however, there are some basic things you can do yourself at home…and save some $$!

Have we exhausted you yet?  Being an adult is hard but you can set yourself up for success by learning some of these easy and basic skills early on.  We hope these resources keep you busy while you’re stuck at home.  Once life goes back to normal, check back with us using our online calendar to see when our Adulting 101 workshop series will restart!

Jennifer Deuell

Jenn Deuell is a Librarian with Richmond Public Library. She is a native of Fredericksburg, VA but has lived in Richmond for long enough that she now considers it home. She loves all things YA and can usually be found curled up at home with a good book (rainy day or not). Her other hobbies include traveling and spending time with family, including her husband, daughter Hannah, and two rescued pit bulls. For YA reading recommendations from Jenn, visit Bookologist.

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