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Tech Tips: Google Drive

Posted about 2 years ago by Madison Eversoll

Why Google Drive?

Google Drive is a free cloud storage resource that anyone with a Gmail account can use. This resource is helpful for anyone needing an easier way to save and access personal information when using library computers. For example, instead of carrying around a flash drive, Google account holders can log into their account and download the saved data from the drive. Google Drive is a great resource, allowing users to store and manage their information for free on Google’s cloud. 


After logging into the Gmail Account, navigate to the top right part of the screen. There will be eight dots in the shape of a square. Left-click on these dots, and a window should appear. Left-click on the triangle image that says DRIVE. A new window will pop up in the web browser, indicating a successful drive opening.

Suppose this is the first time accessing the drive. In that case, Google automatically initiates a quick tutorial that pops up as a window. Users can click through the window until it closes.

Uploading a file to the drive.

There are two options to upload a file. This tutorial will cover how to upload a resume template retrieved from RPL’s Resume Help with both options. In the first option, click on the button that says new in the top left corner. A few options will appear in the drop-down menu. Clicking on a new folder will create a new folder to store information. Likewise, two options exist to upload a file or a folder from a device. Users can also create a new Google Word Document, Google Sheets, or PowerPoint.

Clicking on the file upload button will allow users to upload a document from a flash drive, or the computer. 

The second way to upload a document is to right-click in the dashboard area. The same window will pop up as in the first example. Users then select what to upload. Again, this tutorial will upload a resume example created with resources in RPL’s Job Seeker Assistance database.

Downloading a file from the drive to a PC or flash drive.

Now the information is saved on the drive; users can download information to the library desktop—by clicking on the desired document. Once the document opens move the cursor to the top left, click file, select download from the drop-down menu, and click on Microsoft word. The document will then download, which will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click on the downloaded document twice to open the document. In this example, Microsoft Word will open up with the resume. Once the document opens, the user can enable editing and save it to the computer as needed for internet use or printing!

Madison Eversoll

Hi I'm Mx. Madison (they/them)! As a Youth Services Librarian, I am passionate about fostering a love of learning with children and teens. I especially enjoy finding new and easy ways to incorporate play into learning. Outside of story time, you can usually find me practicing arm balances around Richmond. I also enjoy taking pictures of flora and fauna at the river, creating with my Cricut, or making friends with the outdoor cats in Church Hill. My favorite books to read outside picture books are books that are fast moving and have campy horror/ final girls' themes.

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