Posted about 3 years ago by April Freeman
Posted in Book Reviews

If you are crazy about poetry, this book is just what you need. Ms. Peterson has given readers 17 poems full of emotion and passion. As I read one poem after another, it feels as though the author is giving readers a glimpse into her thoughts. Jewel begins the book with a poem called “The Art of Fabrication.” This is the shortest poem in the book (it’s just one complete sentence). However, it has the most powerful punch of all of the poems in the book — it seems to tell you where the problems of the world stem from.

The book closes with the poem “Rebirth,” which is an excellent choice. I enjoyed how the author placed “Rebirth” as the last poem because it symbolizes starting over. There is a line in the says, “This was her heart told her so.” The book takes readers on a rollercoaster ride, with ups and downs. Then, right at the end of the book when you are done — BOOM, you feel as if you are back at the beginning because of the poem “Rebirth.” Kudos to the author and my colleague Jewel for an amazing read.

My favorite poem in the book is “Truth in Understand.” The words in the poem screamed out parts of my life, but at the end it encourages you to be strong and to keep on pushing forward.

April Freeman

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