June: Go Outside or Stay Indoors: a Daily Guide

Posted about 1 year ago by Meg Raymond

June is a month full of contradictions and changes.  Spring changes to Summer.  The sun sets later and later, and rises earlier.  June 21st – the Summer Solstice – is the longest day of the year. 

In the United States, it is the National Park Service’s Great Outdoors Month, celebrating a month that “beckons us to go out and explore all that nature has to offer”.  Going outside is good for your health – both physical and mental – there are so many things to do outside!  But … some people are solitary, indoor creatures.  I should have a label stating “do not place in direct sunlight”.  Luckily, June celebrations cater to both the outdoorsy set and indoor types!

June is also National Candy Month, which was established by the National Confectioners Association to celebrate over 100 years of candy production.  According to U.S. News & Word Report, the United States buys the most candy, but Germany has the highest per capita consumption.  For even more fun, June is also National Dairy Month, Mango Month, Iced Tea Month, and Fresh Fruit & Veggies Month, so it doesn’t have to be candy-candy-candy all month.

So look at the weather forecast, check your calendar, and use this handy guide of daily celebrations to choose if you should go outside, or stay indoors.  There are no wrong answers!  

JUNE 1st – inside or outside!


Say Something Nice Day
National Go Barefoot Day

JUNE 2nd – either is fine!


Leave the Office Early Day
Rocky Road Ice Cream Day









JUNE 3rd – oooh, hard choice!


National Donut / Doughnut Day
National Trails Day

JUNE 4th – stay inside!


Old Maids Day AND Hug Your Cat Day

JUNE 5th – go outside!


Hot Air Balloon Day
National Camera Day

JUNE 6th – D-Day – a day for reflection


D-Day Normandy Beach

JUNE 7th – uhm, run for ice cream?


Global Running Day
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

JUNE 8th – fun in the sun or …


World Ocean Day
Name Your Poison Day

JUNE 9th – stay inside!


National Meal Prep Day

JUNE 10th – go outside!


National Get Outdoors Day
Yarn Bombing / Knit in Public Day

JUNE 11th – go outside!


Corn on the Cob Day

JUNE 12th – mmmmmm!


Eat Flexitarian Day, International Falafel Day, National Peanut Butter Cookie Day

JUNE 13th – are you the outdoors type, or no?


Weed Your Garden Day
Sewing Machine Day



Monkey Around Day

JUNE 15th – why not both?


Nature Photography Day
Smile Power Day

JUNE 16th – prolly inside


National Fudge Day

JUNE 17th – mostly outside, but inside is okay, too!


National Flip Flop Day

JUNE 18th – hope you can enjoy a picnic today!


National Picnic Day
National Panic Day








JUNE 19th – why not combine the two?


World Sauntering Day
National Martini Day

JUNE 20th – OUTSIDE (mostly)


Hike With a Geek Day, National Bald Eagle Day, Ice Cream Soda Day

JUNE 21st – the longest day of the year!

(RVA – sunrise 5:49 am / sunset 8:33 pm)


Summer Solstice



National Kissing Day

JUNE 23rd – your choice!


Let it Go Day


JUNE 24th – outside? inside? sit! stay!


Great American Campout Day (who says you can’t camp inside? No one, that’s who!)
National Take Your Dog to Work Day

JUNE 25th – your choice


National Forgiveness Day

JUNE 26th – feels like an inside day!


World Refrigeration Day
National Peanut Brittle Day

June 27th – either! both!

Sunglasses Day
Ice Cream Cake Day










JUNE 28th – yes


National Day of Joy

JUNE 29th – both!


International Mud Day
Waffle Iron Day

JUNE 30th – end the month OUTSIDE


National Food Truck Day

I hope you enjoy your month of June – whether you like to do things inside, outside, or a little of both!

Meg Raymond

If I'm not librarianing, or chasing one of my plethora of dogs around the yard, I probably have my nose buried in a book. I like all kinds of books. Regency romances - love 'em. Gory police procedurals - yes, ma'am. Historical fiction - please, and thank you. Heavy "literary" titles - shhhh, I may not have actually finished some of those! Off-beat, warped, slightly askew books - oh, yes, indeedy. Violent supernatural fantasy - why not? Chick lit, hen lit, lad lit - yeah, yeah, yeah. What have you read? Need a suggestion, or ten? Get hand-crafted suggestions with The Bookologist

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