Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library – The Faces of Our Library

Posted about 7 months ago by Jennifer Deuell

Richmond Public Library is your public library. Although books are in our DNA, public libraries of today are so much more. In the spirit of holiday giving, we are presenting (see what we did there?) a series of blog posts highlighting all of the resources available to you — in the library, or at home — to become a Richmond Public Library power user. All you need is a library card. Don’t have a library card? Find out how to get one here.

We hope you have enjoyed our series of posts on the “Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library” and learned something new about all we have to offer. We’d like to round out this effort by highlighting some of the faces of Richmond Public Library. We’ve chosen a select few to showcase but we have close to 100 people who work at our Library and we encourage you to come in and meet them!


Mirissa Sorensen, Library Associate, Belmont Branch

“Hi, I’m Mirissa! I’m the Youth Services Associate at the Belmont Branch. I’ve been with Richmond Public Library since February 2022 and have loved becoming a part of so many folks’ weekly routine through my storytimes and programs. When I’m not at work, I spend my time making & wearing Star Wars costumes, serenading my beagle (Bodhi) with my favorite showtunes, or planning my next National Park trip. I’ve been to 19/63 and hope to visit them all someday!”



Cathy Bruce, Senior Library Technician, Broad Rock Branch

“I have worked and volunteered in libraries since high school.  Before Richmond Public Library, I worked in the VCU Cabell Library and Chesterfield County Library System. I volunteered at the Douglas Freeman High School Library, Smithsonian’s Powell Anthropology and Dibner Libraries, VCU Special Collections Library, MCV  Health Sciences Library, and currently at Henrico Varina Library with an anime club for adults instead of teens. I’m also proud SEIU member and worked on the Bargaining Team which produced the first contract ever for Richmond employees. At Broad Rock, I’m second in command if the Branch Manager is out. I love serving the community with their computer and book needs.  And being very fond of animals, love that an otter is our system’s mascot.”

Nicole Byers, Library Associate, East End Branch

“Hello, friends! My name is Nicole, and I’m in charge of the teen programming at Richmond Public Library’s East End Branch library. When I’m not at work, you can often find me at home playing video games while snuggling with my cats (Baldur’s Gate III is my current obsession), or out adventuring through Richmond’s many beautiful parks hunting Pokémon in Pokémon GO. I’ve worked for Richmond Public Library for seven years and, in that time, I’ve hosted gaming tournaments, anime clubs, and a plethora of craft programs – all for teens! So if you know a tween or teen who is into video games, anime, or anything crafty, be sure to send them my way for some fun!”

Carla Winston, Library Technician, Ginter Park Branch

“Hello, I’m Carla. Nice to meet you all. I’m a Library Technician at the Ginter Park Branch.  I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and raised in Northside/Highland Park, Virginia. I’ve been on a rollercoaster with my grief journey of the passing of my oldest son. But through it all I look forward to going to work. Just helping others is meaningful to me and it gives me a purpose and the drive I need daily. I have a big heart for my community and majority of our patrons are familiar with me, my family and my support with the schools in the area. I have big personality for a short person, lol. And a great sense of humor! If you work with me ever, I  will keep you laughing. This social butterfly continues to be a better version of herself every day here at the library. And I thank God for blessing me with my co-workers. They are the best!!!! 😊”

Viola Pryor Piercy-Lambert, Library Technician, Hull Street Branch

“I have been with the RPL for a total of 5 years—with AARP for about 3 years and 2 years as a City employee. I love my job! Helping our patrons, especially our senior citizens, gives me great joy. I love helping them learn new things on the computers. I also have an interest in helping the homeless and displaced community to find resources, whether it is city resources or outside help from churches and private nonprofits. I am looking forward to the new year and the exciting things that the library is going to offer, such as the new Hull Street Senior Focus Book Club, which I will help facilitate.”

Shani Harris, Library Associate, Main Library

“Greetings!  My Name is Shani Harris and I am a Library Associate at the Main Library. I am a dog mom who enjoys long walks with my fur baby and listening to music.  At work, I enjoy welcoming the patrons and assisting with everything the library has to offer. I also love reading books of all genres and I am a huge fan of audiobooks!”


Yusuf Brown, Senior Library Technician, West End Branch

“My name is Yusuf Brown and I’m a Senior Library Technician at West End. My job, for those not in the know, think of it simply as the Quality Assurance of library circulation, making sure that everyone is taken care of (externally and internally), and that things at the desk run smoothly.  As well as being the de facto decision maker, when my manager isn’t around. I’ve been with RPL for 16 years and was a bookseller for 2 years prior, which totals 18 years of working with books and the people that love them. 

I enjoy reading fiction (specifically Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Magical Realism), graphic novels, manga, role-playing books (such as Dungeons and Dragons), and zines. Outside of that, I’m into gaming (video & tabletop), horror (of any media), podcasts, gardening, and the band, The Mountain Goats.”

Robert Hickman, Library Associate, Westover Hills Branch

“After working at 7 branches over 30 years for consistent periods of time (and assuming different duties at each), I am now pretty much devoted to serving the public at the Westover Hills Branch full-time.  Here are some of the fun things I get to do at the reference desk:  film recommendations, similar subject/title advice, series order inquiries and of course, help with recent acquisitions like the fax/scanner and wireless printing services.  (I’m still learning about those myself 😉.) I have a love of France and all things French, even though I have only been there once (but it was during their Bicentennial celebration in 1989 so very special).  French films are especially a passion; one would note that virtually all blog posts I have ever written concern the annual French Film Festival at the Byrd.”


We could not do what we do without the help of our volunteers! We’ve had many over the years that lend their skills across our library system. Some of their duties have included:

  • Collection Maintenance: processing, shelving, locating, and weeding books and other materials
  • Program Assistance: supply prep, room setup, storytimes, homework help, creating marketing materials, and technology assistance
  • Skill Sharing: teaching classes and workshops, helping patrons 1:1 with computer skills, job applications, and resumes, consulting on various projects
  • Committee Members: serving on various library committees to give patron input

We are so thankful for their time and dedication! If you would like to become a volunteer with Richmond Public Library, you can apply to do so here.

Friends of the Library

Another group of important faces around Richmond Public Library is the Friends of the Library. Founded in 1959, they have three goals:

  • To organize and maintain an association of people interested in the progress and welfare of the Richmond Public Library;
  • To promote the improvement of the facilities and services of the Library so as to increase its value to the community; and
  • To carry on interpretive, literary, or educational activities related to the functions of the public library, so as to increase the public’s knowledge and appreciation thereof.

The Friends of the Library support lectures, special events, and programs at all nine of our locations. They also manage and host everyone’s favorite biannual event — The Friends of the Library Book Sale! Let’s meet our Friends of the Library President:

Ruth DeBour, President, Friends of the Richmond Public Library

“When I first moved to Richmond (now 25 years ago!) I soon found what a great resource the Richmond Public Library system is. I also found a community that is dedicated to supporting that great resource. When asked to volunteer, I said “Yes!”, and have since served on the Friends of the Richmond Public Library Board of Directors in several roles, currently as President. The joy of being a Friend is being part of the RPL community that loves its library and works to spread the word about how important our Library is to our community.”

If you are interested in becoming a Friend of our Library, you can do so here.

Richmond Public Library Foundation

Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to recognize our Richmond Public Library Foundation. The Foundation was founded in 1997 to promote and develop the Library’s mission and its programs. Through grants and donations, the Foundation amplifies investments to extend our reach. It is made up of a Foundation Board led by an Executive Director who all work tirelessly at this mission. Please meet our Foundation Director:

Susan Revere, Executive Director, Richmond Public Library Foundation

“My name is Susan Revere and I work at the Main Library. Primarily I work with the Richmond Public Library Foundation to increase funding for key library programs and resources. The Foundation supports programs such as the Young Adult Virginia Author (YAVA) Awards, Read Up Richmond, and the Library’s early literacy program RVA Reads, to name a few. We work closely with the Library Board of Trustees and the Friends of the Richmond Public Library to expand and strengthen Library resources available for residents of the City of Richmond. Personally, I enjoy writing grants and reports, and working with donors, community partners, and supporters to build a strong library system for the city. I appreciate our libraries as places of community connection, education, relaxation and research. And I am fortunate to work with people dedicated to the idea that free access to accurate, vetted information is a critical public resource.”

The Richmond Public Library Foundation is a 501c3 organization and happily accepts tax deductible donations throughout the year.

If you’ve made it to the end of this post, thank you! We know this was a lengthy read and it’s only a small sampling of all the wonderful people we have working at and supporting our Library. We encourage you to stop by any of our nine locations at any time and meet more of the staff. And, we’d love to get to know you as well.

Also, thank you for reading our Twelve Days of Richmond Public Library blog series. Happy holidays!

Jennifer Deuell

Jenn Deuell is a Librarian with Richmond Public Library. She is a native of Fredericksburg, VA but has lived in Richmond for long enough that she now considers it home. She loves all things YA and can usually be found curled up at home with a good book (rainy day or not). Her other hobbies include traveling and spending time with family, including her husband, daughter Hannah, and two rescued pit bulls. For YA reading recommendations from Jenn, visit Bookologist.

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