Browsing the New Book Shelves (While You Can’t), part 3: new books of interest to women

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond

While the library buildings are closed to the public for everyone’s safety, mail delivery never stopped! Library staff have been working behind the scenes, receiving and processing books and other items. You can always peruse the Latest Releases page on the library’s website, but sometimes you want your browsing options a little more … curated.

We can do that! There have been some great nonfiction titles coming in that are of interest to women. Some of these include:

The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self Care: Do less, Achieve More, and Live the Life you Want by Suzanne Falter – You’re probably doing a lot–taking care of your family, killing it at your job, volunteering, organizing, scheduling, delegating. At the end of all of that, do you have any time or energy left to take care of the most important person: you?

Fit Gurl: the Total-body Turnaround Program by Mel Alcantara -What do you want? To have biceps, a butt, and defined abs? To wear anything? To feel resilient and capable?These things are about one thing: work. If you’re ready to put in the time, commitment, and dedication, Fit Gurl will change your body and your life.

F*ck Your Diet: and Other Things My Thighs Tell Me by Chloe Hilliard – By the time Chloe Hilliard was 12, she wore a size 12 — both shoe and dress — and stood over six feet tall. Fitting in was never an option. That didn’t stop her from trying. Cursed with a “slow metabolism,” “baby weight,” and “big bones,” — the fat trilogy — Chloe turned to fad diets, starvation, pills, and workouts, all of which failed.

Hood Feminism: Notes From the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall – A book about feminism from the perspectives of those often left out of the conversation. Kendall takes a magnifying glass and megaphone to the plights of marginalized women, many of whom are criminally overlooked or erased in mainstream feminist discussions of the hardships women face.

Hill Women: Finding Family and a Way Forward in the Appalachian Mountains by Cassie Chambers – Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, Owsley County is one of the poorest counties in both Kentucky and the country. Buildings are crumbling and fields sit vacant as tobacco farming and coal mining decline. But strong women are finding creative ways to subsist in their hollers and in the hills.

Pretty Bitches: on Being Called Crazy, Angry, Bossy, Frumpy, Feisty, and All the Other Words That are used to Undermine Women edited by Lizzie Skurnick – Words matter. They wound, they inflate, they define, they demean. They have nuance and power. Words are made into weapons, warnings, praise, and blame, bearing an outsized influence on women’s lives — to say nothing of our moods.

The Season: a Social History of the Debutante by Kristen Richardson – Shares a revealing story of women across six centuries, their limited options, and their desires. Digging into the roots of the debutante ritual, with its ballrooms and white dresses, Richardson was fascinated to discover that the debutante ritual places our contemporary ideas about women and marriage in a new light.

Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice by Andrea Freeman – Born in 1946, Mary Louise, Mary Ann, Mary Alice, and Mary Catherine were medical miracles – America’s first surviving set of identical quadruplets. They were instant celebrities. Their White doctor sold the rights to use the sisters for marketing purposes to the highest-bidding formula company. The girls lived in poverty, while Pet Milk’s profits from a previously untapped market of Black families skyrocketed.

Suffrage: Women’s Long Battle for the Vote by Ellen Carol DuBois – After the Civil War, Congress granted freed African American men the right to vote but not white and African American women, a crushing disappointment. DuBois shows how suffrage leaders persevered through the Jim Crow years into the reform era of Progressivism.

Woman of Influence: 9 Steps to Build Your Brand, Establish Your Legacy, and Thrive by Jo Kay Miller – Have you ever felt like your organization’s best-kept secret? Are you the go-to person for work that downplays your potential? Do you want to hone your leadership skills while still staying true to who you are? If your reputation as a standout contributor is not translating into career advancement, Woman of Influence is for you.

Meg Raymond

If I'm not librarianing, or chasing one of my plethora of dogs around the yard, I probably have my nose buried in a book. I like all kinds of books. Regency romances - love 'em. Gory police procedurals - yes, ma'am. Historical fiction - please, and thank you. Heavy "literary" titles - shhhh, I may not have actually finished some of those! Off-beat, warped, slightly askew books - oh, yes, indeedy. Violent supernatural fantasy - why not? Chick lit, hen lit, lad lit - yeah, yeah, yeah. What have you read? Need a suggestion, or ten? Get hand-crafted suggestions with The Bookologist

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