staff picks

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RPL Staff’s Most Anticipated Reads of 2023

Posted about 1 year ago by Jennifer Deuell
With a new year brings lots of excitement surrounding the release of new books. And, no one is more excited for these than our staff here at Richmond Public Library. […]
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The Ultimate Annual Richmond Public Library Staff Pick List: 2022 Edition

Posted about 2 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Here’s to one more year in the books! We hope you’ve had as great a reading year as we’ve had. We love recommending great books all year long, but we […]
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The Ultimate Annual Richmond Public Library Staff Pick List: Best books of the worst year edition

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
Happy New Year and Goodbye, 2020, readers! I asked the staff once again to share with you all what their favorite read of the past year has been. To say […]
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So nice I read it twice

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
Show of hands–who rereads books? I’ll wait. … I don’t, as a rule, reread novels. My TBR list is miles long, and as long as new books are being written, […]
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