All libraries will be closed Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. The Main Library will be closed on Saturday, November 16th for the Richmond Marathon.

Unusual Book Lists

Posted about 3 years ago by Nico D'Archangel

Every person at a circulation desk can tell you a story or thirty about a patron who can’t remember a title but remembers part of the cover. Sometimes we can find it, sometimes we can’t. We’ve all been there, truth be told. I can’t tell you now many times I have been thinking of a book but I have NO IDEA the title, just a vague memory of the color scheme and location on the shelf.

Over the last year or so I’ve seen a few patterns emerge. Is there any correlation between the titles? Not at all! But hey, it’s been fun staring at them. (I’ve even read a few!) Treat yourself now by looking through my specifically curated unusual book lists. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite!

Pattern 1: Pink and blue together

Now, to be fair, sometimes the word pink is used roughly, but I’m sure you get the idea.

Pattern 2: Women walking or looking away

This is the biggest group, honestly. I had to stop myself from finding more because THERE ARE JUST. SO. MANY!!

Pattern 3 (last but not least!): Guys who have lost their shirts

This one was just for fun, and as you can tell has a joke entrenched. (I know dogs don’t wear shirts but it was for giggles, okay?)


Nico D'Archangel

Nico is a voracious eclectic reader. He can often be found with stacks of varied books, from romance and history to science fiction and children's stories. He is one of several Bookologists as well! Always up for conversations about books, feel free to stop by to say hi or drop an email!

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