Shelf Respect

News, reviews, and ideas you can use from librarians and library staff at RPL

Mental Health Books for Teens

Posted about 6 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan, I will admit, is a hefty book.  It is long and it is deep but it captivated me from page […]
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Social Justice Books for Teens

Posted about 6 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Posted in Book Reviews, Teens | Tagged with , ,
I recently read the book Dear Martin by Nic Stone and was captivated by its powerful portrayal of a young black teen’s experiences with racism and police brutality in the […]
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Staff Picks: Science Fiction and Fantasy

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
It’s finally May (May the 4th be with you!) so if you’re like us, you’re already picking out your summer books for parks, beach, and plane reading. Aren’t you? Well, […]
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A Poem for the Dreamers

Posted about 6 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Posted in Poetry, Teens | Tagged with , ,
Who doesn’t love Jason Reynolds, right?!  So when I saw his newest book, For Every One, I knew I had to pick it up. Full disclosure, poetry isn’t typically my […]
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Poetry to survive the “Cruelest Month”

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
April, it turns out, is not just the cruelest month (as an allergy sufferer, this speaks to me), but also National Poetry Month, and financial capability month. I couldn’t find much […]
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Get it done with your library card: Be your own boss

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Forbes said that Richmond is among the 10 up-and-coming cities for entrepreneurs: “[…]Richmond is now a thriving arts and cultural mecca. The startup scene is booming and tax incentives are […]
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11 Interesting Reads by and about Interesting Women

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Posted in Reading Recommendations | Tagged with
1. Marley Dias gets it Done, and So Can You! by Marley Dias, founder of #1000blackgirlbooks, with forward by Ava DuVernay! Mark your calendars, book lovers, because Marley Dias will […]
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Oscar who? It’s almost time for the French Film Festival!

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Posted in Film | Tagged with ,
Now that we have the Oscars out of the way, on to the important business of preparing for the VCU French Film Festival! Here is the breakdown from our resident […]
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New books to celebrate Black Lives (and not just in February)

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
February is a short month with a big heart. Many of us are desperate for winter to end when it feels like we are doomed to wear heavy coats against […]
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Get it done with your library card: Grants, The Foundation Center, and You

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Did you know your library can help you access free funding information? Allow me to tell you about The Foundation Center at the Richmond Public Library. The Foundation Center is an […]
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