All libraries will be closed Sundays for the month of August.


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Can’t Get Enough of The Darkest Minds? Try these page-turners…

Posted about 6 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Are you a fan of Alexandra Bracken’s The Darkest Minds?  Were you one of the first to see the movie this week?  If you’re like me, the answer is YES! […]
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Road Trip Audio to Download…Free!

Posted about 7 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Posted in Audiobooks | Tagged with ,
Late summer road trip in your future?  Check out this week’s downloads from SyncAudiobooks for Teens. Three weeks of great titles left for this summer, with two titles each week. […]
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Life imitating Art/Art Imitating Life, or, news stories we’d like to see fictionalized

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
Security Robot Commits Suicide Is the natural consequence of sophisticated AI going to be sad robots? NPR got me all misty thinking about Steve, the loneliest robot: “The roughly 5-foot […]
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