Alexandra Zukas's Posts

RPL Author

Slice-of-life graphic novels for all ages

Posted about 3 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
So when I say “slice of life,” you might be wondering what that means in terms of genre. In slice-of-life fiction, the story focuses on a short episode in a […]
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Celebrating National Poetry Month

Posted about 3 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Hello, readers! Not only is this week National Library Week (and coincidentally, RPL’s reopening week), but it’s also currently National Poetry Month! I’ll admit that I haven’t always found poetry […]
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What’s new and (possibly) good in literary fiction?

Posted about 3 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Stuck in a book rut and need some fresh picks? Want to know what you need to read to maintain your highbrow literary street cred? I’ll admit I haven’t read […]
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New Reads in Magical Realism, Hot (Or At Least Lukewarm) Off the Presses!

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Okay, so what is magical realism, anyway? Pretty straightforward: It’s fiction that’s very much anchored in our world, but maintains some element of the fantastical. Often–but not always–these elements go […]
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Twelve Books to Groove to on National Vinyl Record Day

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Get ready to spin, folks! It is once again National Vinyl Record Day, the year’s most unsung holiday. While you may or may not be into vinyl itself, I’m betting […]
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Tips and Tricks for Preserving Family History

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
There’s no doubt that many of us are feeling isolated right now, looking forward to being able to see friends and family again.   Of course, one way of coping […]
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Escapist Books to Transport You

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Posted in Book Reviews | Tagged with ,
Really great books have a way of making the world fall away. They can transport you to somewhere more interesting, more whimsical, more surreal–somewhere that is just more. You turn […]
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Resources to Keep Traveling, Learning, and Relaxing (From Your Couch)

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Tons of activities to keep you learning and traveling, virtually.
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