Black History Month

Posted about 2 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Posted in Book Reviews

While February is Black History Month, (celebrated in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.) black history can and should be learned/taught/acknowledged all year round by everyone. It’s about honoring the history as well as black excellence. Learning and engaging with each other is the best way to create a kind and cohesive community. Black lives still matter, today and every day. These specially curated lists were chosen by RPL’s own, Yusuf Brown. They’ve been organized for you by category; movies, biographies, young adult titles, fiction, and nonfiction. There’s something for everyone and plenty of materials for all the branches. Check something out at your local branch today!


Adult Biographies

Young Adult Titles

Adult Fiction

Adult Nonfiction

Wanna check something out digitally instead? See what we have available on Hoopla and Libby/Overdrive. Want more recommendations? Make a request through our Bookologist service, handpicked books just for you.

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Nico D'Archangel

Nico is a voracious eclectic reader. He can often be found with stacks of varied books, from romance and history to science fiction and children's stories. He is one of several Bookologists as well! Always up for conversations about books, feel free to stop by to say hi or drop an email!

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