
(category archive)

By Teens, For Teens – Into the Wild & A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

Posted about 3 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Welcome back to our next installment of By Teens, For Teens. This blog post series consists of all teen-generated content. This time we have two book reviews for you to enjoy! […]
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2021 Teen Reading Challenge: Shared Talents

Posted about 3 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Welcome to month five of the 2021 RPL Teen Writing Challenge. How’s it been going?? If you’re completing the challenge in order, this month you’ll be focusing on prompt #5 […]
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2021 Teen Reading Challenge: Protecting Our Environment

Posted about 3 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
It’s hard to believe it but we are already in our fourth month of the 2021 RPL Teen Writing Challenge. That means, if you’ve been completing one prompt a month, […]
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Get Growing!

Posted about 3 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Spring is here, bulbs are popping, trees are budding and the birds are busy! Working with seeds and plants is a great way to relieve stress and to focus on […]
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2021 Teen Reading Challenge: Body Positivity

Posted about 3 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
We’ve already arrived at month three of our 2021 RPL Teen Reading Challenge and it feels like time is flying by! How have things been going for you so far? […]
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What’s new and (possibly) good in literary fiction?

Posted about 3 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Stuck in a book rut and need some fresh picks? Want to know what you need to read to maintain your highbrow literary street cred? I’ll admit I haven’t read […]
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Focus on the New: Middle Grade Fiction, ages 8-12

Posted about 3 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Calling all readers ages 8-12…it’s National Reading Month! Listed below are new titles from 2020 and 2021. A wide range of genres include fantasy, friends, and family. Some are set […]
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Book Horoscopes – Aquarius

Posted about 3 years ago by Robyn Webb
Every month of 2021 we will be sharing a tailored horoscope blog post for the current sun sign plus some extra goodies for the rest of us. (Yes, this is […]
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2021 Teen Reading Challenge: Teen Activists

Posted about 3 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Welcome back! Can you believe we are already in to month two of our 2021 RPL Teen Reading Challenge?! How is it going for you so far? As I mentioned […]
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Book Horoscopes – Capricorn

Posted about 3 years ago by Robyn Webb
Every month of 2021 we will be sharing a tailored horoscope blog post for the current sun sign. We are a little late for Capricorn but please forgive me. Especially […]
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