Reading Recommendations

(category archive)

Grocery Shopping from the Back Porch

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
Grocery Shopping from the Back Porch That’s my plan. At least, for vegetables. Last weekend a friend left           some seeds on the porch that I planted in tiny seedling containers  […]
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Antidote for Reality: Romance Reads

Posted about 4 years ago by Robyn Webb
Together, let’s take a moment to step back from being inundated with news and worry. In this new series of blog posts about escapist reads, we’ll introduce you to new […]
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Pandemic? Don’t Panic. Stay home and read!

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
Posted in Reading Recommendations | Tagged with
A good book can get you through just about any crisis, and sometimes, reading about the very thing that scares us can be a thrill, or catharsis. If you don’t […]
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Let’s Hear it For the Ladies

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), Women’s History Month dates only back to 1981, when Congress passed Pub. L 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning […]
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Upcoming Indie Releases for 2020

Posted about 4 years ago by Phil Shepard
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Gothic YAs for the Long, Dark Winter

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
I am particularly drawn to a good, dark read during the winter months.  Something about the extended hours of darkness and the cold, crisp air really gets me in the […]
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African-American History Month in Richmond

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
I keep sailing on in this middle passage. I am sailing into the wind and the dark. But I am doing my best to keep my boat steady and my […]
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LAMAR GILES – “Trapping people in stories since 1987…”

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
There are very few things in life that I geek out about.  Meeting a very awesome author like Lamar Giles is one of them.  Giles is a two-time Edgar Award […]
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Most Anticipated YA Books of 2020

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Hopefully my post last week got you all excited about some upcoming trends in YA lit.  Now, I’d like to share with you my top 10 list of YA books […]
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Trends in 2020 YA Lit

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
It’s a new year and it’s time to get excited about new YA books!  I’ve sifted through all the 2020 releases I could find and (painstakingly) narrowed them down to […]
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