Shelf Respect

News, reviews, and ideas you can use from librarians and library staff at RPL

Stuck at home? Go on a YA road trip!

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
It’s summer and many of us associate this time of year with traveling. Whether it’s a trip to the beach, a visit with family in another state, or a day […]
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Ghost of Tsushima and Jidaigeki Reading Lists

Posted about 4 years ago by Phil Shepard
The sun is sinking and the golden hour is in full form. The season is autumn. The Japanese maples are a deep red and the gingko leaves a brilliant yellow. […]
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Browsing the New Book Shelves: Home and Garden Creativity

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
At Richmond Public Library, you can always peruse the Latest Releases page on the library’s website, and now that we’ve moved back a phase to curbside pickup, you need a different way […]
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Introducing … The Bookologist

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
Public libraries are all about connecting books and readers.  It’s in our DNA!  Browsing the shelves or the online catalog can be rewarding, but the choices can be … overwhelming.  […]
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So nice I read it twice

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
Show of hands–who rereads books? I’ll wait. … I don’t, as a rule, reread novels. My TBR list is miles long, and as long as new books are being written, […]
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Browsing the New Book Shelves: Learn Something New

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
At the Richmond Public Library, you can always peruse the Latest Releases page on the library’s website. And now that we’ve moved into the phase of limited re-opening, the new book shelves […]
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10 Books for the Crafty Teen

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Many of us are probably feeling the same way these days. We know it’s safer to stay at home but we are starting to get bored. Ok, not starting to..we’ve […]
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Browsing the New Book Shelves: new nonfiction about work

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
At Richmond Public Library, you can always peruse the Latest Releases page on the library’s website, and now that we’ve moved into the next phase of limited re-opening, the new book shelves […]
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Posted about 4 years ago by Laura Price
Posted in Poetry, Writing
Gentle, dappled light,Through semi-shaded windows,Waiting for someone. Eyes above the masks,Fearful yet still hopeful–Can I be of help? Masks cannot obscureSmiles and grins and gladness.We are glad you’re here! Someone […]
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Browsing the New Book Shelves: new nonfiction books about your brain

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
At Richmond Public Library, you can always peruse the Latest Releases page on the library’s website, and now that we’ve moved into the next phase of limited re-opening, the new book shelves […]
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