All libraries will be closed Sundays for the month of August.

mental health

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X & Y Chromosomal Variation Awareness Month

Posted about 3 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
In 2012 the State Legislature passed HJ216 2012 which designated May as “X & Y Chromosomal Variation Awareness Month”.   Genetic Disorders X & Y Chromosomal Variations are genetic disorders. […]
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It’s Okay to NOT Be Okay

Posted about 4 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Posted in Inform * Enrich * Empower | Tagged with
Absolutely everyone is going through at least something. Most are having to deal with more than one worry. Know this also, just because someone may have it worse than you does not mean your troubles aren't worth concern. You. Are. VALID.
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Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
Habit was a dirty word. Like hope, waiting, and boundaries, the idea of habit was a form of discipline I scoffed at as being confining, restricting, and limiting. As a […]
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Mental Health Books for Teens

Posted about 6 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan, I will admit, is a hefty book.  It is long and it is deep but it captivated me from page […]
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