Shelf Respect

News, reviews, and ideas you can use from librarians and library staff at RPL

Creating Space: Personal reflections on inspiring spaces

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about space. Not outer space, though sometimes that too, but the spaces we live in, and more importantly, how we interact with, […]
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Reading Pandemic Fiction in a Pandemic

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
Is this pandemic messing with your reading habits? It’s messing with mine. I have more time for reading, but reading has gotten so much more difficult. I am one of […]
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Tips and Tricks for Preserving Family History

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
There’s no doubt that many of us are feeling isolated right now, looking forward to being able to see friends and family again.   Of course, one way of coping […]
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Grocery Shopping from the Back Porch

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
Grocery Shopping from the Back Porch That’s my plan. At least, for vegetables. Last weekend a friend left           some seeds on the porch that I planted in tiny seedling containers  […]
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Law Day 2020

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
What is Law Day? Law Day was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958 as a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law in the United […]
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Antidote for Reality: Romance Reads

Posted about 4 years ago by Robyn Webb
Together, let’s take a moment to step back from being inundated with news and worry. In this new series of blog posts about escapist reads, we’ll introduce you to new […]
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YA Reads for Autism Awareness

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Posted in Book Reviews, Teens
Please note that I did not make the title of this post “YA Reads for Autism Awareness Month.”  This was intentional.  Even though April is Autism Awareness Month, and it […]
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Richmond Reflects: documenting the moment

Posted about 4 years ago by Natalie Draper
So many of us have suddenly found ourselves spending a lot more time at home with our families, and one of the best things we can do to entertain ourselves, […]
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A Glimpse at Virginia’s Organized Woman Suffrage Movement: Part II

Posted about 4 years ago by kathryn Coker
This is the second post in a two part series on the fight for woman suffrage in Virginia. Before Virginia’s Coralie Franklin Cook published her 1915 article, “Votes for Mothers,” […]
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Escapist Books to Transport You

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Posted in Book Reviews | Tagged with ,
Really great books have a way of making the world fall away. They can transport you to somewhere more interesting, more whimsical, more surreal–somewhere that is just more. You turn […]
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