Inform * Enrich * Empower

(category archive)

The Tax Man Cometh

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
Posted in Inform * Enrich * Empower, Uncategorized | Tagged with
April 15th will be here before you know it. That means it is time to <cue spooky music> COMPLETE YOUR FEDERAL TAX RETURNS!! (Virginia tax returns aren’t due until May […]
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Macmillan eBook Embargo

Posted about 4 years ago by Phil Shepard
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Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That – Reading When There’s No Time to Read

Posted about 5 years ago by Meg Raymond
Now that the days are shorter, and the nights seem endless, you would think there would be time to sit on the sofa with a big thick book – perhaps […]
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Wibbly Wobbly Words

Posted about 5 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Dyslexia affects between 5-17% of the population worldwide. This is a higher percentage than people with red hair! (less than 2%) So what is it really? Dyslexia is a written […]
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Positively Witchy: Local Witches

Posted about 5 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Posted in Inform * Enrich * Empower | Tagged with , ,
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.” Ah, Shakespeare, you fiend! His portrayal of witches in Macbeth has been the first thing most people think of when […]
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Get it done with your library card: Be your own boss

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Forbes said that Richmond is among the 10 up-and-coming cities for entrepreneurs: “[…]Richmond is now a thriving arts and cultural mecca. The startup scene is booming and tax incentives are […]
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Get it done with your library card: Grants, The Foundation Center, and You

Posted about 6 years ago by Natalie Draper
Did you know your library can help you access free funding information? Allow me to tell you about The Foundation Center at the Richmond Public Library. The Foundation Center is an […]
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On Millennials, Minimalism, Self-Sufficiency… and Library Use

Posted about 7 years ago by Phil Shepard
Two of the biggest trends among Millennials in 2017 are de-cluttering our lives (thanks in part to Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) and becoming more self-sufficient as […]
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The Glitch Ramblings of Iphone’s Quicktype

Posted about 7 years ago by Phil Shepard
The modern human life is mostly dependent on technology. We are connected. We wear our computers on our wrists, reminding us to not forget to breathe. They’re in our back […]
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SRP Haiku

Posted about 7 years ago by Laura Price
Fewer students here: Backpacks full, homework in hand— Summer has arrived!   Now some time for fun, Playing indoors and outside, Feeling sun and breeze.   Summer reading starts– Crafting, […]
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Our mission is to inform, enrich, and empower.


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