Shelf Respect

News, reviews, and ideas you can use from librarians and library staff at RPL

YA Reads Best Served Cold

Posted about 1 year ago by Jennifer Deuell
In honor of the Ides of March, I thought I’d put together a little booklist for you full of YA books all about revenge. Who does revenge better than a […]
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Iranian Lit @ RPL

Posted about 1 year ago by Laura Price
In ancient Persia, the mythological hero Rostam performed seven labors in order to prove his worthiness. He slew dragons and villains and overcame adversities with his superhuman strength. Modern Iranians […]
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hoopla Binge Passes for Kids

Posted about 1 year ago by Jennifer Deuell
Test Excerpt hoopla is a web and mobile library streaming service that RPL provides to our patrons completely free! Through it you can access eBooks, audiobooks, movies, magazines, comics, music, and even TV shows. The best part is that you never have to wait to borrow a title. Every borrow is instantaneous. This is sooooo nice when you’re just dying to watch something or you need that book for your book club that’s meeting…tomorrow.
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Read Like a President

Posted about 1 year ago by Lindy Gellings
“Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to you.” Barack Obama   Throughout our nation’s 247-year history, only 47 men have held […]
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February Book Chat with the Youth Services Team

Posted about 1 year ago by Louis Maranski
Welcome to the another installment in our series of blog posts featuring children’s books we’re currently loving! “Book Chat with the Youth Services Team” features one book recommendation from each […]
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Tech Tips: Google Drive

Posted about 1 year ago by Madison Eversoll
Why Google Drive? Google Drive is a free cloud storage resource that anyone with a Gmail account can use. This resource is helpful for anyone needing an easier way to […]
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Black History Books: A 2023 Review

Posted about 1 year ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
In Virginia, it is generally believed that African American History began with the importation of West Africans into Jamestown in 1619. After the Civil War, the Daughters of the Confederacy […]
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Cozy Reads for these Long Winter Nights

Posted about 1 year ago by Lindy Gellings
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RPL Staff’s Most Anticipated Reads of 2023

Posted about 2 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
With a new year brings lots of excitement surrounding the release of new books. And, no one is more excited for these than our staff here at Richmond Public Library. […]
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January Book Chat with the Youth Services Team

Posted about 2 years ago by Louis Maranski
Happy New Year, Readers! Welcome to the next installment in our series of blog posts featuring children’s books we’re currently loving! “Book Chat with the Youth Services Team” features one […]
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