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Get Growing!

Posted about 3 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Spring is here, bulbs are popping, trees are budding and the birds are busy! Working with seeds and plants is a great way to relieve stress and to focus on […]
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Memories of Ireland

Posted about 3 years ago by Laura Price
Posted in Adult, Children's, Travel
With a great-great-grandmother named Margaret Mary Murphy, it was a sure bet that I would someday see Ireland. Even though over 30 years have passed since I visited, the overall […]
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Jailed For Freedom: Virginia’s Occoquan Workhouse

Posted about 3 years ago by kathryn Coker
Lorton, Virginia’s Occoquan Workhouse,built in 1910 and originally used to hold prisoners completing short sentences for offenses like disorderly conduct, played a key role in women’s suffrage history. National Woman’s […]
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Black Suffragists and Activists: Addie Waites Hunton

Posted about 3 years ago by kathryn Coker
In preparation for Black History Month, I did a little research and uncovered some fascinating people like Addie Waites Hunton, an African American suffragist, activist, writer, political organizer, and educator.   […]
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Celebrating the Year of the Ox

Posted about 3 years ago by Laura Price
It's the Year of the Ox! Celebrate the Lunar New Year with a new book!
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FOUND: The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
Lost or dead. We often see the unhappy plight of an art no longer in use as an indication of cultural decay. We can also see a challenge. These days, […]
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Contact Tracing & Your Rights – Part 1

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
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Posted about 4 years ago by kathryn Coker
National American Indian Heritage Month Designation  In 1990 President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution authorizing November 1990 as National American Indian Heritage Month. Comparable proclamations, under various […]
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Posted about 4 years ago by kathryn Coker
In Virginia early in-person voting began on September 18, 2020 and ends on October 31, 2020. Why Should You Vote? But, why should you vote? Some reasons are: 1. Voting is […]
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Celebrate the 19th Amendment

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
Speaking of Constitution Day Constitution Day is September 17th. Join the Richmond Public Library (RPL) and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries in celebrating the 19th Amendment this Constitution Day. The […]
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