Book Reviews

(category archive)

Misleading Fiction Titles

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
The library has nonfiction books that aim to teach readers new skills. Want to learn to bring old clothes back to life, brew beer, or raise chickens? There are books […]
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“Black Food Matters”

Posted about 4 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Full disclaimer: I borrowed this phrase from Mark Whitaker on CBS Sunday Morning. The show aired Sunday, November 22, 2020. I had been waiting for our library’s copy of Marcus […]
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New Reads in Magical Realism, Hot (Or At Least Lukewarm) Off the Presses!

Posted about 4 years ago by Alexandra Zukas
Okay, so what is magical realism, anyway? Pretty straightforward: It’s fiction that’s very much anchored in our world, but maintains some element of the fantastical. Often–but not always–these elements go […]
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Contact Tracing & Your Rights – Part 1

Posted about 4 years ago by Meldon Jenkins-Jones
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Antidote for Reality: Cozy Mysteries

Posted about 4 years ago by Robyn Webb
Now that the weather seems to be (finally) turning, let’s dive into all things cozy with these mysteries. This is a continuation of the Antidote for Reality blog post series […]
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YA Book Pairings: Indigenous Authors

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
As I’m sure you all know, November is National Native American Heritage Month. In November and every month, we honor the legacy of American Indians and Alaska Natives and we […]
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Comics Club Close-Up: Shannon Wright

Posted about 4 years ago by Robyn Webb
Starting this past September we’ve been offering a virtual comics meeting where we talk about, share, and create comics together! If you missed the last Tween Comics Club or just […]
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Focus on the New: Nonfiction for Kids

Posted about 4 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Do you have a young reader who loves books full of facts and information? Check out this sample of new titles available for curbside pickup @ your local Richmond Public […]
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Love, Seldom, Trust, Never

Posted about 4 years ago by April Freeman
Posted in Book Reviews
( When the Game Start Playing You!) AUTHOR TY MARSHALL This title alone had me intrigued about what was within these pages. Ty Marshall is one of the authors that […]
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Voting and Elections for Kids!

Posted about 4 years ago by Lisa Crisman
Voting and elections are in the news. It’s important and sometimes difficult to talk to kids about the process, results and why it’s all so necessary. Here are some titles […]
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