Book Reviews

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Let’s Hear it For the Ladies

Posted about 4 years ago by Meg Raymond
Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), Women’s History Month dates only back to 1981, when Congress passed Pub. L 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning […]
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Upcoming Indie Releases for 2020

Posted about 4 years ago by Phil Shepard
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2019 Releases from African American Authors

Posted about 4 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
In honor of African American History Month, I decided to showcase some fantastic new releases from African American authors. Books by these authors don’t always get the recognition they deserve […]
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Gothic YAs for the Long, Dark Winter

Posted about 4 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
I am particularly drawn to a good, dark read during the winter months.  Something about the extended hours of darkness and the cold, crisp air really gets me in the […]
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Local Author: Meg Medina

Posted about 4 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Posted in Book Reviews, Children's, Teens | Tagged with , ,
Meg Medina, an author with awards aplenty (all well-deserved!), is a first generation Cuban-American who grew up in Queens, New York. From her website we learn that “when she’s not […]
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LAMAR GILES – “Trapping people in stories since 1987…”

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
There are very few things in life that I geek out about.  Meeting a very awesome author like Lamar Giles is one of them.  Giles is a two-time Edgar Award […]
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Reading Challenges: Are They for You?

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Posted in Book Reviews | Tagged with
As you all know, I completed the 2019 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge this past year. This is not the first book challenge I’ve attempted, but it is the first […]
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Posted about 5 years ago by Meg Raymond
Posted in Book Reviews
One time, not that many years ago, my sister called me on a Friday night and asked me what I was doing. “Knitting and listening to the radio” I said.  […]
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Read Harder Challenge #23: Susanna’s Midnight Ride & Read Harder Challenge #24: Please Excuse this Poem

Posted about 5 years ago by Jennifer Deuell
Prompt #23: A self-published book Alright folks, we’ve reached the end of our 2019 Read Harder Challenge and lucky for me the last two prompts were straightforward.  After having Libby […]
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Biography Buzz: Jonathan Van Ness

Posted about 5 years ago by Nico D'Archangel
Welcome to the inaugural Biography Buzz! This will be a monthly posting reaching into the lives of some notable people. All of 2020 I will be digging into the experiences […]
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