Reading Recommendations

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Best of 2017: Staff Picks

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
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We believe that books make great gifts so, just in time for you last minute shoppers, here is our gift to you: the ultimate list of Richmond Public Library staff […]
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Tiny and Terrific: A long list of short books

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
Looking at your 2017 reading goal got you all… Not to worry. Time to get minimal. Down-size your life. Tiny houses are all the rage, you know? What kind of […]
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The tale of the haunted book blog

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
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Get ready to be skeered right out of your pants, dear readers. The faint of heart should look away as we present to you our best fearsome October recommendations, complete […]
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Meanwhile…comics, heroes, & origin stories

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
I was compelled by otherworldly forces to come up with a list of read-alikes inspired by a recent favorite: Dear Cyborgs by Eugene Lim. The narrative shifts between a couple […]
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Life imitating Art/Art Imitating Life, or, news stories we’d like to see fictionalized

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
Security Robot Commits Suicide Is the natural consequence of sophisticated AI going to be sad robots? NPR got me all misty thinking about Steve, the loneliest robot: “The roughly 5-foot […]
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Revisited, reinvented, reimagined

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
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Ah, the agony and ecstasy of being a librarian–surrounded by all the books I could ever hope to read and no time to read them. My TBR (to be read) […]
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Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
I don’t know about you, dear readers, but my mom gave me my love of libraries, reading, and sharing books. Growing up in a military family we moved a lot […]
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Make time and space for Time and Space

Posted about 7 years ago by Natalie Draper
It appears as though one of my favorites, The Book of Strange New Things, has been adapted into an Amazon series pilot: Oasis. The single episode offering has already diverted pretty sharply […]
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